
  • Springtime in the Rockies

    By Tony on April 8, 2012
    Springtime in the Rockies can be extremely moody.  This past week we have had 70 degree days where we were riding our bikes in shirtsleeves.  Followed a couple of days later by a foot of new powder.  There is always something to do, as long as you stay flexible. Here are some shots from a recent drive in the Paradise […]
  • Les Paul – Neck Shaping

    By Tony on March 21, 2012
    Earlier I was sitting around contemplating how building a guitar compares to some of my other projects.  The Shaker dresser was a lot of work.  But in reality, it was a pretty repetitive process.  The drawers were essentially the same set of cuts, with only slightly different sizes.  The side panels and top panel came together quickly.  The aspect that […]
  • Bookends

    By Tony on January 6, 2012
    Living so close work, 2 blocks, I don’t often get to see the fabulous sunrises and sunsets in the valley.  Yesterday was an anomaly for me.  I was up at 5:30 AM, early for me, in order to do a quick 6:40 live interview on the local tv channel.  Nothing exciting.  Just a quick information session about our local triathlon club and […]
  • First Turns

    By Tony on December 7, 2011
    You may hate gravity, but gravity doesn’t care. -Clayton Christensen There are no quick fixes or instant gratification in backcountry skiing.  A day usually includes a long, slow climb from the trailhead, up the slopes that you will eventually be coming down.  Attached to the bottoms of your skis are what amount to strips of carpeting with an adhesive backing, […]
  • Grunts and Grins

    By Tony on August 10, 2011
    At some level, everyone is searching for satisfaction, for joy, for pleasure.  We avoid conflict or activities that are unpleasant.  We chose going for a bike ride or reading a book over cleaning out the garage or balancing the checkbook.  This is natural.  Avoid the nasty and maximize the fun. These activities can be generally classified as grunts and grins.  Grunts […]