Winter Arrives in Bozeman
By Tony on November 20, 201120This Fall had to be one of the nicest we’ve had in Bozeman. Great colors and plenty of sunshine. We usually go from summer to winter in the blink of an eye. Last year, the snow came in October when the leaves were still on the trees, leaving a sickly, blackened mess. This year we’ve had a few waves of […] -
2011 Mid-Atlantic Small Craft Festival
Here are some shots from this weekend’s Mid-Atlantic Small Craft Festival. This is an annual event at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum in St. Micheals, Maryland. It brings together an eclectic mix of people, and an even more eclectic mix of boats for a weekend of sailing, story telling and drinking. This year brought a cool and rainy mix of events. […] -
Grunts and Grins
At some level, everyone is searching for satisfaction, for joy, for pleasure. We avoid conflict or activities that are unpleasant. We chose going for a bike ride or reading a book over cleaning out the garage or balancing the checkbook. This is natural. Avoid the nasty and maximize the fun. These activities can be generally classified as grunts and grins. Grunts […] -
Tri’ing Hard
I’ve been off the radar for a little while. Not due to lack of ideas to write about, but due to lack of time. For the past seven months I have been part of the planning team for the inaugural Bozeman Tritons Triathlon. Our local triathlon club, of which I am co-director, took over the local races this year after […] -
Negative Space
“How glorious a greeting the sun gives the mountains! “ —John Muir Mountains are often spoken of in grand terms…. “jagged peaks soaring to the sky” Or, “fangs of rock and ice piercing the blue infinity.” Or, “grand monoliths rising out of the plains.” But as a friend pointed out on a recent hike up the East Rosebud Valley […]