• OM Guitar – Preparing the Back

    By Tony on April 19, 2013
    OK. Third set of sides from LMI are in the works. They were a very apologetic about their lack of quality control. And I think this has led to some serious discussions in the shop. So fingers crossed that the 3rd time will be the charm. I’ve kept busy preparing the back of the guitar. This would definitely be easier […]
  • OM Guitar – Fingerboard Binding

    By Tony on March 15, 2013
    While waiting for the new sides to arrive, I have moved on to the fingerboard and neck. And it turns out that I really need to at least get the binding completed so that I know exactly what the width will be at the fourteenth fret.  This is where the neck joins the guitar.  And with a cutaway body style, […]
  • OM Guitar – Minor Setback

    By Tony on March 11, 2013
    Over the weekend I was finalizing the forms for the guitar and was finally able to get a close look at the indian rosewood sides and curly maple binding that I ordered from LMI.  I spent a few extra dollars and had them do the critical bending in their shop.  When you order a kit, you get 40% off shop […]
  • DIY GoBar Deck

    By Tony on March 5, 2013
    A GoBar clamping deck is a nifty system for clamping.  By bending fiberglass or wood rods between the upper and lower “decks”, it is easy to put pressure just about anywhere you need it.  In guitar building, this is key for tasks such as clamping the internal bracing in place (more on that in future posts), where it is difficult […]
  • DIY Circle Cutting Jig

    By Tony on March 3, 2013
    It is hard to build an acoustic guitar without some way of routing perfect circles for the sound hole and the decorative rosette that surrounds the sound hole.  Unfortunately, unless you are making circles all the time, spending the bucks on a commercial jig is hard to swallow. I already had the Dremel from earlier projects and the Dremel plunge […]